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Precision NDVI maps and hi-resolution video for monitoring the health of your crops.

What is a NDVI camera?

Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) is a measurement of the amount of live (green) vegetation in a specific area and is commonly used for agricultural assessment. 


NDVI is a simple method to indicate the health of vegetation. When near infrared hits the leaf of a healthy plant it is reflected back into the atmosphere. As the amount of chlorophyll produced in a plant decreases, less near infrared is reflected. This can be used to see the overall health of a crop. The NDVI algorithm compares the reflected intensities of near infrared (NIR) and visible light.


Drones have revolutionized the farming industry. Agricultural operations span large distances and require capable drones and experienced operators. 

In addition to having a drone that can fly the areas you then need to be able to collect the correct data using a variety of cameras and sensors.

Drone Ltd. Is your partner to succeed in mastering these challenges. 

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